Monday, April 27, 2015

Materiales de la unidad

The Gruffalo
Videos: Spanish version & English version

Powerpoint presentation




Sunday, April 26, 2015

Objetivos y recursos de la unidad

Resources & the objectives for the use of these resources.

The children book: The Gruffalo & The Gruffalo Nature Trail book by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler.
Illustrate a science class by using a popular English book for children.
Some of this vocabulary will be part of their English lessons to complement the work in the CLIL Science class.
The nature trail book helps them develop an awareness of different habitats and they can collect little living things for that habitat if there is an opportunity for a school trip to the park (or it can just be an extension activity).

Watching the video narrated by an English speaker will motivate the students and reinforce the learning of the key vocabulary. Visual learning is also been addressed here with this activity.

PowerPoint Presentation.
The presentation was adapted from an existing one from the website and I found it very useful to show the food chain, together with the names of the animals of the book.

Worksheets & Booklet.
The worksheets are varied. Working with different vocabulary and ideas from the story helps the students to build up their skills using the expressions used in the story, the name of the animals and their role in the story, and at the same time, to relate them to the science topic of the food chain & the habitats.

A good visual aid to show the students the animals, as well as something they can play with. Flashcards can be the traditional printed ones or we can have a go at using the application of Quizlet.

Laminated cards & Poster.
Once more, the objective is to reinforce the taught vocabulary by placing the cards in the correct gaps of the food chain to make the students think and work together as a group with the element of competitiveness during this outdoor game.

Internet links.

The unit includes the link for the audio book and the link for the official website for the story that will help the students with their digital skills, as well as introducing them to some of the cultural aspects of British life & literature.

Unidad AICLE

Hi again!
Os dejo la unidad AICLE que he elaborado como parte del curso. Espero que os sea de utilidad.

See you soon ; )

Subject: Science                                                                   Teacher: María Sánchez Andrade

Title of the Unit: Living things, Food chain & Habitats      Course / Level: Year 3 Primary

1. Learning outcomes
 / Evaluation criteria
At the end of this unit the students will be able to:
1.    Identify the different trophic levels.
2.    Say who eats what in the food chain.
3.    Make a simple trophic chain /food chain.
4.    Know that animals and plants are essential to each other.
5.    Learn about some differences in eating times and habits in different countries.
2. Subject Content
Food chain, living things & habitats

3. Language Content / Communication

Nouns: Mouse, snake, owl, fox, nut, claws, tusks, jaws, teeth, tail, wart Herbivore, mammals, carnivore, producer, decomposer (…)
Adjectives: little, terrible, astounding, nice, kind (…)
Verbs: eat, I´m going, I´m meeting, know, rumble, ran, slid, walked (…)
Prepositions: in, on, by (…)


Classroom management:
Greetings, take the register, calendar, weather, etc.
What´s your favourite animal /food?
I like …
My favourite animal /food …

Grammatical structures:
Present simple, past (affirmative, negative, interrogative)
Simple present passive structure taught just by repetition.
Listen, Write, Think, Read, Place…
Can you repeat that, please?
Pay attention, be quiet, please (…)
Praising: Excellent, well done,
good job, etc.
Put things away, Line up,
Let´s go to the playground,
put the animals in
the correct order (…)

Discourse type
Narration using rhyme (in the story) & descriptions.
Language skills
Speaking, interacting, reading, writing and reading
4.Contextual (cultural) element
Food habits in UK, the story mentions “for tea”. Explain to the class that the word “tea” also means “dinner” in the UK. Talk about different eating times in Spain and in the UK.
5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
The students will identify and name living things, predict what´s happening in the story and discriminate the different animals, classify and complete exercises and charts, order & compare, decide and value and finally they will develop their own food chain.
6. (a) Task(s)
(Initial tasks)  Brainstorming
                      Checking previous knowledge: KWL diagram

(Transforming tasks) Using the story, the students make their own food      chain based on the animals they saw.

(Final tasks) Samples of living things
                     Example of different food chains in different habitats.
6. (b) Activities
Introducing new vocabulary
Games using flashcards
Filling the blanks with words related to the food chain vocabulary
Watch and listen to the story
Complete worksheets about the story (food chain, type of animals)
Complete worksheet about living things
Outdoors game (related to the story)
Nature trail activities (learning about habitats)

7. Methodology
Organization and class distribution/ timing

This unit will take 6-8 sessions to develop. Each session lasts 45 min.
Session 1: Individual work / Whole class
Session 2: Pair work
Session 3: Whole class
Session 4: Individual work/Whole class
Session 5: Group work/Team work
Session 6: Individual work
Resources / Materials

The children book: The Gruffalo & Nature trail book by Julia Donaldson
Worksheets, flashcards (quizlet).
Laminated cards, video, internet links.
Key Competences
Linguistic, naturalistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal.
Visual, listening, kinaesthetic activities to promote MMII.
8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
Teacher observation.
Peer assessment.
Self-evaluation activities.
Questions & Answers.

Feel free to use this template. Thanks for attributing the source.

A first sample of this template has been published at:

Pérez Torres, I. 2009. "Apuntes sobre los principios y características de la metodología AICLE" en V. Pavón, J. Ávila (eds.), Aplicaciones didácticas para la enseñanza integrada de lengua y contenidos. Sevilla: Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía-Universidad de Córdoba.171-180.

It is mainly based on the hands-on experience at designing units and on conversations with experts and peers. The theory of the 4Cs by Do Coyle has also been taken into account. This theory has been shown in various publications, such as: Coyle, D., Hood, P. and Marsh, D., 2010. Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge University Press.