The idea for this
unit came up with one of my son´s bed stories. The Gruffalo is one of his
favourites and my husband reads it to him very often and I think that it´s a
very nice story.
The objectives for
this unit are focus on a Science lesson. I chose this story for a Science
project I did for my Primary Teaching Degree at The Pontifical University of
Salamanca. Finally, I adapted this lesson for the CLIL Unit.
This is the result so
far, as I might make changes as I develop this unit in the classroom and any
suggestions and feedback are always welcome.
The objectives are:
1. Learning outcomes
/ Evaluation criteria
At the end of this unit the students will be able to:
Identify the
different trophic levels.
Say who eats what
in the food chain.
Make a simple
trophic chain /food chain.
Know that animals
and plants are essential to each other.
Learn about some
differences in eating times and habits in different countries.
The language content
and communication is mainly the following:
Nouns: Mouse, snake, owl, fox, nut, claws, tusks, jaws, teeth, tail,
wart Herbivore, mammals, carnivore, producer, decomposer (…)
Adjectives: little, terrible, astounding, nice, kind (…)
Verbs: eat, I´m going, I´m meeting, know, rumble, ran, slid, walked
Prepositions: in, on, by (…)
The nouns refer to
the different animals that appear in the story and some other nouns refer to
the features of the gruffalo and to the main components of the food chain.
The adjectives, verbs
and prepositions also appear in the story.
The structures:
Classroom management:
Greetings, take the
register, calendar, weather, etc.
What´s your favourite animal
I like …
My favourite animal /food …
Grammatical structures:
Present simple, past
(affirmative, negative, interrogative)
Simple present passive
structure taught just by repetition.
Listen, Write, Think, Read,
Can you repeat that, please?
Pay attention, be quiet,
please (…)
Praising: Excellent, well
done, good job, etc.
Put things away, Line up,
Let´s go to the playground,
put the animals in
the correct order (…)
The structures for
the daily routine can be the same or they can be changed or adapted to the
routine that the teacher normally uses in his/her own classroom or according to
the students’ progress through their year.
The grammatical
structures also follows the story structures and the phonics refer to the
rhymed words that we find in the story as well.
The Classroom
management language can also be adapted or changed according to the teacher´s
Sessions :
start with the daily routine questions
and interaction(whole class)
After the daily
routine, the teacher introduces the vocabulary for the unit with a brainstorming activity.
Then using the flashcards, the students will name the
pictures shown.
Then, we present on
the board the KWL diagram: What we
know, what we would like to know, leaving blank the last space (L: what we have
learnt) as we will complete this part in the last session.
Each student complete
the table (KW) individually.
We can share ideas
and write them on the board.
The students watch
the video of the Gruffalo and the teacher asks them simple questions:
“How many animals are
there in the story?” “What type of animals can see in the story?”
Recap: The teacher
recaps the key vocabulary for the next session.
Starting point: daily
Recap on vocabulary
using the flashcards and repeating the key vocabulary.
The students will
complete some of the activity in the booklet, some of them individually like
the activities colouring the adjectives and some other activities in pairs
feeding back to the whole group. The teacher will circulate to check students
In the last five
minutes, the teacher can play the video again to reinforce vocabulary &
pronunciation and the understating of the story once more.
In this session after
the daily routine, where the teacher can add some extra different questions
related to the topic we are studying, the focus is on the food chain and types
of animals (mammal, reptile,…)
The teacher will show
the students the PowerPoint presentation with examples of the food chain based
on the story.
The teacher can print
some pictures and ask some students to place the right picture in the correct
place for the food chain, to show them an example.
The students will
then individually complete the worksheets about food chain (bbc link).
In this session, the
students will continue with the activities about the food chain.
The main activity for
this class will be to complete worksheets about the food chain elements.
This session takes
place out of the classroom.
The students will be
divided into groups of four. The teacher will put a poster up with the names of
the elements of the food chain and each group will complete their chain.
Each team has a set
of colour belts and one card attached to it with Velcro.
Each colour belt
represents one of the elements of the chain.
They have to get the
cards and stick them on the poster.
The first team to
complete the chain wins.
This session is based
on a nature trail book by the same autor of the Gruffalo. The students have to
look for different samples of plants, insects or alternatively to draw the
little animals or insects they see during the trip.
Hi, is there any chance these resources could be shared, the powerpoint and activity sheet? Many thanks, Laura